

zondag 25 oktober 2015

Love Pink Love Flamingos

Who doesn't love flamingos. You see them on clothing as a print of some sorts, you got the pink plastic ones you can put in your garden and so on. But I still prefer the real ones. I saw them in the wild when I was in the Camargue South of France. Unfortunately I didn't had the pleasure to photograph them right there and then. No time and no save place to park the car. But we do have them in our zoo's. And a good thing we have an amazing zoo in Belgium. Where the animals have a good life. Just like these flamingos. You can see the nest and some new born flamingo.  I love the pink feathers against the green grass. 








Enjoy Photography

dinsdag 20 oktober 2015

Bringing life back

I know it's been a long time since I wrote a blog. Sometimes live gets to me and when that happens I need to give it priority. It sucks, I really missed writing my blog. I'm not sure I can post on a regular basis but I'll do my best to keep the post coming. I do have lots of photos to show.
These photos are from a Jewish cemetery in Putte. Usually not my place to hang. No pun intended but it feels like dead and the atmosphere is sober in a cemetery. Yes, it is a place to grieve the los of a loved one. That doesn't mean the place needs to look dead. What we shouldn't forget is that our souls live on. So just incase they look down on us and see where they are buried, we need to make sure the place looks alive.
That is what I tried to do in these photos. I overexposed almost every photo. That wasn't a mistake. I intentionally made the photo brighter so it looked alive again. I wanted to give the light back to every person that is buried there. One photo is not even sharpe, even that is intentionally. The name on the tombstone is not important. I wanted to make the photo speak to everyone and bring a little bit of light back so we can fight the darkness that is called missing somebody.








Enjoy Photography

zondag 23 augustus 2015

The cactus learned me something new

I never believed that cactus had flowers. I always thought that stores put fake flowers on a cactus to make them more beautiful so they would sell. Well, that was what my mom told me. And as a kid you believe everything your mom tells you. Guess we were wrong. Cactus do have flowers. They don't bloom very often. But when they do, it's gorgeous. I learned this new thing in the botanic garden of Antwerp. They have a large selection of cactuses open for people to see.
That is one of the fun things of being a photographer. You see and learn something new every day.
New subjets mean new ways to photograph, new technics that you can use in other situations.
That is what live is all about. Looking for something that motivates you. So you to keep doing what you are doing. And doing that the best you can.










Enjoy Photography

zondag 16 augustus 2015

Melancholic Antwerp

Do you know the feeling that you did something wrong and you don't know how to fix it? I had that feeling the day I went to shoot these photo's. I knew what I did wrong, I even tried to fix it, but I couldn't. I still have the same feelings when I look at these photos that I took in April. Only now I could handle seeing them again and choosing some to show on this blog.  It's peculiar how feelings and emotions of the photographer can get into a photo. It's normally the feelings and emotions of the subject that you try to capture. This time it feels like I captured mine. Hope you like them, emotions and all... .









Enjoy Photography

woensdag 5 augustus 2015

Feel the summer

 These photos are taken during an other workshop with Ingrid Vekemans. The workshop was in spring but it was called summer feeling. So now the weather is getting better again, here they are.















Enjoy Photography