

donderdag 23 april 2015

In the Underground

Last weekend a new underground tunnel opened in Antwerp. The underground tunnel was already build in 1974 but in didn't got used until now. A week before the grand opening there was a possibility to have a guided tour in the tunnel. It was a two and a half kilometer long walk that begun in the underground station at Astridplein and ended at the new underground station Zegel. The walk wasn't just a walk. We got 2 photo expeditions and a lightshow guiding us through. And yes that was an amazing photo opportunity.

I didn't go alone. A friend of my photo group suggested it on our Facebook page and I jump right in on that idea. I believe that you have to say 'YES' on every opportunity that comes your way. You still have to be careful. Please don't say 'yes' on things that can potentially hurt you. But this idea was a good idea to say 'yes' to.

Before we went I was thinking on the best ways to take beautiful photos. First thing that came to mind was 'get in the back of the group, go last'. I think it's the best tip I can give you, if you are in a group go last. You'll have the best photos I swear. At that position you can turn around and have a clear shot of what is behind you, no one in site. But don't forget that people in a photo can make that photo. So when you are a bit behind of your group take a photo of that group walking before you. For me during the lightshow it gave an amazing effect.














Enjoy Photography


(photos from my trip to London will follow) 

woensdag 1 april 2015

April Fool's with the Clini Clowns

For my photo project 'the world through the eye of a child' we were honored to follow the Clini Clowns. It's amazing what these selfless people do for sick kids. I can't imagine a harder and more emotional job to do that this. Day in and day out they bring a smile on faces of sick children. Some children are sicker then others. That's to good part of the job, you see kids getting better and go home. You know you had a little part in there recovery. But what if a child is really sick, terminal with cancer. How de you deal with it then? Every week you see these children again, sometimes a bit better, then a bit worse. You always hope for the best. But what if the are gone next time you visit? And not 'oh they went home' gone. How can you put your red nose on your face and be happy for all the other children while you are dying inside? I can't imagine how strong these Clini Clowns are.

The beauty is that all the Clini Clowns are trained actors. They choose putting a real smile on somebody's face above a smile of there own on stage. We all can learn a great deal from these people. I know in the world nothing is for free, everybody has his price. But what if we just paid it forward. I give you a smile, you give somebody else a smile and I get a smile from another person. You got something back. But the greater gift that you gave, giving a smile to a random person, gifs you more joy then getting that smile back. I promise you. The Clini Clowns gave me a big smile on my face. They were so funny, each and every time. I sometimes couldn't focus because I was laughing so hard. So paying it forward. Some photos from the Clini Clowns. Only them I want to respect the privacy of the children we photographed.
Want to do something for them check out there site http://www.cliniclowns.be/NL/











Enjoy Photography
