

woensdag 21 januari 2015

Paintings, photos and philosophy

My mom is a painter. She follows art school for 6 years now. For that she needs to go to museums and learn about art and art history.  I decided to go with her when the art school had a trip planned to Den Haag. So last Sunday we went to Mark Rothko in the municipality museum of Den Haag. It was so much larger then we thought it would be. Mark Rothko didn't do it for me. I was more inspired by his philosophy about painting then his paintings itself. He wanted to philosophize in his art work not in words. So although he wrote a book he never published it, because he didn't want that his paintings were the illustrations of his philosophy. His paintings are the philosophy. This is, for me, a better and more beautiful way of saying 'a picture is worth a thousand words'.

I agree, in a lot of ways. I write this blog. And I use words in my blog. I try to use words just to set the tone or mood for the theme I have chosen. I use words to tell what I have learned and how I see things. But the most important thing in this blog are my photo's. Without my words it all still works, you see the photo's and you can guess what I want to say. But will you 100% know what I was going for. Some dark night photo's might make the blog dark and depressed, with words I can turn that around and make it about the little lights in the photo's. Without my photo's and just the words, it might still work but it would feel unfinished. So used in the correct way words and images belong together. And although a picture is worth a thousand words, without the words it's just a guess.

I said it was a large museum (massive is better way to describe it). So after we saw Mark Rothko, we went to see the other exhibitions. Those I liked better. The paintings were more meaning full to me. Some where new paintings some where old and considered classics. But all of them, painted more abstract or more 'photographic', where more inspirational for my photography. The composition was more important and so was the lighting in the painting. You could tell with these canvasses that painting was the first medium that people used to show how something looked like. And the way of doing that is still relevant to paintings and photography today. Next to paintings there were exhibitions of romantic fashion, pottery and the world famous Delfts Bleu which is native to Holland.

As always I took photo's of the things I like and also of the things I didn't like just to show what I mean. In the Rothko exhibition there were photo's of him working in his studio, I liked them a lot. So I show you these too. I didn't mark them, there are images of paintings and other things in the exhibition, so not my personal inspired photo's. So here we go, the finishing touch of this blog, the photo's.

The last Mondriaan.

Mark Rothko in the beginning.

The last Mark Rothko.
Mark Rothko creating.

Mark Rothko at work.

Mark Rothko thinking.

Mark Rothko reminiscing.

Some pottery, it was very sexual inspired.

Romantic fashion. I do like the white and bleu one.

Two classic paintings.

Three newer paintings, I love the second one. It would make a
beautiful portrait.


Delfts bleu

Delfts bleu on a mirror, I like the reflection.

Enjoy Photography


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