

maandag 8 december 2014

Fieldtrip: Technopolis

Yesterday I went to Technopolis with 2 other people from my photo group, Ingrid and Paul. Technopolis is the place to be for experiencing science and technology in a hands on and interactive kind of way. But these days the have an exhibit with the photo's of the contest European wildlife photographer of the year. The exhibit is called begluur de natuur or in Englisch spy on nature  http://www.technopolis.be/nl/index.php?n=1&e=504 .  It was an amazing fieldtrip, beautiful photos and a real inspiration.  I took photos of my favorite photos of each category with my little red camera. 


                                       1. Under Water

2. Plants and fungus

3. Animals

                                                                    4. Birds

5. Other Animals

6. Landscapes

7. Humans and nature

8. Nature's studio

Enjoy Photography

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