

zaterdag 6 december 2014

Stars and city lights

There is a way to describe people to tell when they are the most active. You are an early bird or a night owl. These days science came up with two more types of people. Someone that is active during the daytime is a hummingbird ( or a swallow) and someone that's always tired is a dodo. I think I can describe myself as a dodo. Not that I'm lazy. And I'm not tired all the time. I just don't fit into the other categories. I love to stay in bed and sleep in. But when I had to study the morning was my best time. In the daytime I sometimes have the feeling I'm hibernating. It feels like I can't wake up, walking around like some zombie. The only times I'm truly awake is when my head hits my pillow and them I can be up for hours before I fall asleep. But that doesn't make me a night owl because sometimes I fall asleep just fine (after an hour or so). The reason I can't get to sleep is that I think to much. I really need to find that off button.

In the evening I love to be at home. Cozy and warm in my couch with my blanky watching TV and eating some dark chocolate. The only things that can take me away from that warm cuddly feeling is my friends. Dinner, drinks or a good party: I'm in! But for anything other than that I can't seem to find the energy. Wait one more thing that can save me from being a couch potato is night (evening) photography. I started this blog with a photo I took during night photography I did with my photo group. I want to show some more photos from that night.

When you think about taking photos in the dark the first reaction is to take them at the highest ISO (light sensitivity of your camera, the higher the ISO setting is, the more light gets into the camera) witch is ISO 1600 - 3200. Downside of that is, that your photos get image noise. Second thing you want to do is to put your diaphragm on the lowest setting, so an open diaphragm. The higher the diaphragm settings are the smaller the diaphragm gets. But that setting is not good for the dept of field. The last thing you want to do and the only good thing you can do is use a longer closing time.
I took my photo's with a tripod (you need that with night photography) and with my ISO on 100. Diaphragm and closing time varied so I'll put them underneath the photo. Please note I altered some photos in Photoshop.

Like I said in my first blog the photos are taking in and around central station in Antwerp. It's rated one of the world's five most beautiful stations by newsweek. So I'm very proud to live near this station. It was build in 1905 and has a neo gothic façade and a need to see interior. I love it!

F/16 - 10s

the station F/16 - 30s

entrance  F/16 - 10s

the station F/16 - 15s

F/16 - 10s

F/22 - 25s

the station F/16 - 10s

inside the station F/14 - 10s

inside the station (cops) F/16 - 6s

inside the station F/16 - 6s

inside the station F/16 - 8s

inside the station F/18 - 10s

inside the station F/16 - 8s

inside the station F/16 - 8s

inside the station F/16 - 5s

inside the station F/16 - 6s

Enjoy Photography

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